Service and technical audits of transformer stations | EnergyTech

Service and technical audits of transformer stations

Current legislation regarding restricted technical equipment requires transformer station owners to conduct regular technical audits and maintenance. Given our rich experience and professional approach to resolving the technical issues facing our customers, we are ready to provide you with regular technical audits and preventative inspections, including maintenance.

Main benefits

  • Damage and accident prevention
  • Responsibility assumed for properly conducting inspections and technical audits
  • We’ll secure dates for conducting these technical audits for you

Regular technical audits of electrical installations

Certified technical audit technicians (with certification for diagnostics from SNAS) regularly conduct technical audits of restricted technical equipment, and specifically electrical installations, as well as inspections of transformer stations, both energised and de-energised, in accordance with the STN 33 1500 standard defining the mandatory technical audits of electrical installations.

The technical audit primarily checks:

  • the condition of the installation’s insulation capabilities,
  • the condition of its structural elements,
  • the condition of the insulators,
  • the quality of the current connections and cabling,
  • the condition of the transformer and oil level.

We conduct thermal diagnostics during the technical audit and measure impedances to identify the current connections in the electrical equipment that have failed.

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