Mandatory refrigerant leak testing in refrigeration equipment | EnergyTech

Mandatory refrigerant leak testing in refrigeration equipment

Who is subject to F-gas leak testing

Operators of refrigeration equipment containing F-gases with weights of over 5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

Limit values of selected refrigerants in relation to the duty to control F-gas leakage

Refrigerant GWP Weights
CO2-eq 5 ton CO2-eq 50 ton CO2-eq 500 ton CO2-eq
R134a 1 430 3,5 kg 34,96 kg 349,65 kg
R404A 3 922 1,27 kg 12,75 kg 127,49 kg
R407C 1 774 2,82 kg 28,18 kg 281,85 kg
R410A 2 088 2,39 kg 23,95 kg 239,46 kg

Frequency of F-Gas Leakage Control

Fluorinated greenhouse gases Frequency of tightness testing
Without detection system installing With detection system installing
5 ton CO2-eq 12 months 24 months
50 ton CO2-eq 6 months 12 months
500 ton CO2-eq 3 months 6 months

Exceptions: Hermetically sealed refrigeration systems with a refrigerant content of less than 10 tonnes CO2-eq of fluorinated gases are exempted from regular leakage checks (the CHZ must have a label that defines it as hermetically sealed).


Legislative duty to control F-Gas leakage

According to EU Council Regulation no. 517/2014 pursuant to Act no. 286/2009 Z.z.


Penalties for F-Gas Leakage Control

From € 2,000 to € 34,000, the operator of the refrigeration plant.


The refrigeration unit with 1.4 kg of R404A (GWP is 3,922 CO2-eq) contains F-gases at 5.5 tonnes CO2-eq. In this case, it is possible to see how the change in legislation from the plant, when no F-gas control was necessary, has become a facility where F-gas control is required once a year. If this cooling device is considered as a hermetically sealed system and labeled with a label, the control obligation would only arise when the 10 tonne CO2-eq limit was exceeded.


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